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Heal Golfer's Elbow in 90 Days with Joint Genesis: 4 Simple Steps

"Bypass the average 6-month to 2-year recovery – start rapid healing."

Watch Video for detailed 4-Step 90-Day Golfer's Elbow Recovery along with the Joint Genesis Supplement Elbow Joint Treatment

Start your Golfer's Elbow recovery with the Joint Genesis Golfer's Elbow 4-Step Plan.

Welcome to a streamlined approach to treating Golfer's Elbow. The Joint Genesis 4-Step Plan is your guide to a faster, more effective Golfer's Elbow recovery. Our plan outlines how to effectively combine these Joint Genesis supplement with other key recovery strategies, offering you a path to quicker and more effective Golfer's Elbow Treatment & Recovery. Which means cutting down the recovery to 90-Days* instead of 6-months to 2 Years which is the average recovery time.

Step #1: Rest

Begin your recovery by giving your body the time it needs to heal. Avoid lifting heavy objects or engaging in activities that could strain your muscles further. It's crucial to wait until the muscle tears have naturally healed before resuming any athletic activities.

Step #2: Ice Application

Ice plays a vital role in reducing inflammation. By cooling down the affected muscles, it helps to restrict blood flow, thereby shortening the recovery period. For optimal results, apply ice to your elbow for 15-20 minutes multiple times a day. This will significantly reduce inflammation and aid in faster healing.

Step #3: Recovery Stretches

Incorporate various exercises specifically designed to treat Golfer's Elbow. Techniques like soft tissue rolling improve blood flow and relax the muscles. Engage in wrist flexing exercises until you feel a mild tension in your forearm, which will aid in muscle recovery and flexibility.

Step #4: Use Joint Genesis Elbow Joint Treatment Supplement 

Enhance your recovery with Joint Genesis supplements. These supplements are formulated with omega-3, MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin, and vitamin C, all known for their properties in reducing inflammation and supporting tendon and cartilage health. Regular use of Joint Genesis can aid in collagen production, further supporting your recovery journey.

Remember, Joint Genesis is Most Effective as Part of This 4-Step Plan

It's important to use Joint Genesis as a part of these comprehensive treatment steps. While it's a powerful supplement, it delivers the best results when combined with rest, ice application, and recovery stretches.

Start your path to recovery today with Joint Genesis – your partner in a faster, more effective healing process!

What Is Golfer's Elbow?

"Golfer's elbow," also known as medial epicondylitis, is a condition that causes pain on the inner side of the elbow, where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of your elbow. The pain may spread into your forearm and wrist.

The condition is related to overuse of the muscles in the forearm that allow you to grip, rotate your arm, and flex your wrist. Repetitive flexing, gripping, or swinging can cause pulls or tiny tears in the tendons.

Symptoms of golfer's elbow include:

Pain and Tenderness: The most common symptom is pain and tenderness on the inside of the elbow, where the tendons of the forearm muscles attach to the bony bump (medial epicondyle).

Stiffness: The elbow may feel stiff, and making a fist might be painful.

Weakness: There may be weakness in the hands and wrists.

Numbness or Tingling: Some people may experience numbness or tingling that radiates into one or more fingers (usually the ring and little fingers).

Pain During Activities: Pain might increase during movements that use the wrist and hand, such as swinging a golf club, shaking hands, turning a doorknob, lifting weights, or even during simple tasks like picking up objects.

Elbow Stiffness: The elbow joint itself may become stiff, making it difficult to fully extend or flex the arm.

Swelling: In some cases, there might be swelling around the elbow joint due to inflammation.

Reduced Range of Motion: As the condition progresses, there might be a reduced range of motion in the elbow joint.

Pain that Worsens Over Time: Initially, the pain might only be present when performing certain activities, but it can become constant over time if the condition is not treated.

Clumsiness or Loss of Coordination: Severe golfer's elbow can affect the coordination of the hand and wrist, leading to clumsiness or a loss of precision in movements.

Muscle Tightness: The muscles in the forearm may become tight and could require stretching or massaging.

Trigger Points: Painful trigger points or knots in the forearm muscles may develop and could require therapy or self-massage to alleviate.

Difficulty with Grip: There may be a noticeable difficulty with grip strength, which can affect a golfer's hold on the club.

That is why we are thrilled to present to golf enthusiasts everywhere:

Joint Genesis

Joint Genesis™ is a state-of-the-art, research-driven formula tailored for golfers. It addresses the core issue of age-related Golfer's Elbow joint wear: the decreasing levels of hyaluronan as we age. This solution is crafted to refresh and lubricate those stiff joints that hinder your swing, offer vital nourishment to your cartilage tissue, and mitigate inflammation.

With Joint Genesis™, embrace a renewed golfing experience. Swing with enhanced fluidity, walk the course with confidence, and let every round be a testament to your rejuvenated Golfer's Elbow joints and radiant smile!

"It’s like WD-40 for your Elbow joints! Every Golfer should keep one in their Golf Bag"

Joint Genesis: Is Your Solution to Your Golf-Related Elbow Joint Pains

Golfer's elbow, or medial epicondylitis, can be a significant hindrance to both your game and daily activities. Joint Genesis is formulated to address the discomfort and inflammation associated with this condition, offering a multifaceted approach to support and enhance your joint health.

How will Joint Genesis Help with your Elbow Joint Pains and Golf Game....

1. Anti-Inflammatory Support

Our unique blend includes omega-3 fatty acids and MSM, known for their potent anti-inflammatory properties. These ingredients work synergistically to reduce the inflammation that exacerbates golfer's elbow, providing relief and aiding in the healing process.

2. Pain Alleviation

With the inclusion of glucosamine and chondroitin, Joint Genesis targets the pain at its source. These compounds are renowned for their effectiveness in alleviating joint pain, offering a natural solution to the discomfort caused by golfer's elbow.

3. Collagen and Connective Tissue Repair

Collagen is the building block of tendon tissue, and our supplement boosts its production with the help of Vitamin C. By promoting collagen synthesis, Joint Genesis aids in repairing and strengthening the connective tissues affected by repetitive movements.

4. Tendon and Cartilage Health

We've enriched Joint Genesis with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and gelatin, which are crucial for maintaining the elasticity and resilience of tendons and cartilage. This not only supports the healing of existing damage but also helps prevent future injuries.

5. Enhanced Circulation

Improved blood flow is vital for healing, and Joint Genesis contains elements that promote circulation. This ensures that nutrients reach the affected area while waste products are efficiently removed, accelerating the recovery process.

6. Nutrient Absorption Optimization

With the addition of ginger and piperine, our supplement ensures that every nutrient is fully absorbed and utilized by your body. This maximizes the benefits of each ingredient, making Joint Genesis a highly efficient aid in managing golfer's elbow.

7. Muscle Function and Support

Magnesium and potassium are integral to muscle health, preventing cramps and fatigue that can aggravate the symptoms of golfer's elbow. Joint Genesis ensures that your muscles have the nutrients they need to perform optimally.

8. Bone Strength

A robust skeletal structure provides a solid foundation for muscle and tendon attachment. Calcium and vitamin D in our formula support bone density and health, reducing the strain on the elbow joint.

9. Immune System Balance

Chronic inflammation can be a response to an overactive immune system. Joint Genesis contains ingredients that help modulate immune responses, potentially decreasing the persistent inflammation that contributes to golfer's elbow.

10. Antioxidant Protection

Our bodies produce free radicals that can lead to tissue damage and inflammation. Joint Genesis combats these effects with antioxidants like selenium, vitamin E, and vitamin A, protecting your joints from further damage.

Golfer's Elbow Joint Pain can significantly impact a golfer's game, affecting both performance and enjoyment. Is one or more elbow joint pains effecting your golf game?

Swing Mechanics:

Reduced Range of Motion: The pain and stiffness associated with golfer's elbow can limit the elbow's range of motion, making it difficult to achieve the proper arm positions during the backswing and follow-through.

Altered Swing Technique: To avoid pain, golfers might change their swing mechanics unconsciously, which can lead to poor shot execution and inconsistency.

Grip Strength:

Weakened Grip: The condition can weaken the grip on the golf club due to pain and tenderness in the forearm muscles, leading to less control over the club.

Inconsistent Grip Pressure: Golfers may struggle to maintain consistent grip pressure throughout the swing, which is crucial for shot accuracy and control.

Power and Accuracy:

Decreased Power: A golfer's ability to generate power is partly reliant on the stability and strength of the elbow and forearm. Pain can lead to a less forceful swing.

Impaired Accuracy: Adjusting the swing to minimize discomfort can also affect the accuracy of shots, leading to more missed fairways and greens.


Limited Play: The pain from golfer's elbow might make it challenging to play a full round of golf, reducing a golfer's endurance and ability to practice.

Increased Recovery Time: Golfers with this condition may require longer periods of rest between rounds to manage inflammation and pain.

Mental Focus:

Distraction: Chronic pain can be a significant distraction, making it hard for golfers to focus on their game strategy and next shot.

Frustration: Dealing with persistent pain and its impact on performance can lead to frustration, which may further negatively impact a golfer's mental state and enjoyment of the game.

Shot Execution:

Difficulty with Specific Shots: Certain shots that require finesse, such as chipping and putting, can become particularly difficult as they require precise control and a stable grip.

Compromised Follow-Through: Pain may cause a golfer to abbreviate the follow-through to avoid discomfort, which can compromise shot distance and trajectory.

Risk of Further Injury:

Compensation Injuries: Adjusting the swing to avoid elbow pain can put additional strain on other parts of the body, such as the shoulders or wrists, leading to new or compounded injuries.

Chronic Condition: Without proper treatment and rest, golfer's elbow can become a chronic issue, leading to prolonged periods away from the game.

Prevention and Management:

Need for Precautions: Golfers with this condition must take precautions, such as wearing an elbow brace or using anti-inflammatory medications, which can be inconvenient and may not fully alleviate symptoms.

Altered Training Regimen: The condition may require changes to a golfer's training regimen, including limiting certain exercises that could exacerbate the condition.

Golfer's elbow can affect nearly every aspect of a golfer's game, from the physical execution of swings to the mental focus required for competitive play. Effective management and treatment are crucial for minimizing its impact and ensuring a golfer can continue to enjoy and excel in the sport.

Beyond the physical, Golfer's Elbow joint discomfort can also shake a golfer's mental clarity and self-assurance.

Golfer's elbow, much like any chronic pain condition, can have significant mental and emotional effects on individuals. For golfers, in particular, these effects can be multifaceted due to the nature of the sport, which requires a combination of physical skill, mental focus, and emotional control. Here's how golfer's elbow can impact a golfer mentally:

Frustration and Irritability: Dealing with persistent pain and the limitations it brings can lead to feelings of frustration. Golfers may become irritable, especially if they're unable to perform at their usual level or if recovery takes longer than expected.

Anxiety: There may be anxiety about the long-term implications of the injury. Golfers might worry about the potential for chronic issues, surgery, or the possibility of having to give up golf if the condition worsens.

Decreased Confidence: Pain and reduced performance can erode a golfer's confidence in their abilities. They might doubt their skills and their potential to improve or compete.

Concentration Difficulties: Pain can be a significant distraction and may make it hard to concentrate on the game. Golf requires precise mental calculations and strategic thinking, which can be compromised when a golfer is preoccupied with pain.

Fear of Re-Injury: Even after the pain subsides, the fear of re-injury can linger. This fear might cause a golfer to alter their swing or play more cautiously, which can negatively affect their game and enjoyment.

Mood Swings: Chronic pain is known to affect mood. Golfers with golfer's elbow may experience mood swings and even depression, particularly if golf is a major part of their social life and personal identity.

Social Withdrawal: Golf is often a social activity, and pain might lead to withdrawing from social rounds and events, contributing to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Sleep Disturbances: Pain from golfer's elbow can interfere with sleep, leading to fatigue and a lack of focus, both of which are detrimental to mental sharpness on the course.

Impact on Professional Life: For professional golfers, an injury like golfer's elbow can have career implications, leading to stress and uncertainty about their future in the sport.

Altered Perception of Enjoyment: The joy and relaxation that golf usually provides can be overshadowed by the discomfort and limitations of golfer's elbow, changing the perception of the sport from a leisure activity to a source of pain.

Cognitive Load: Managing an injury requires cognitive resources. Golfers must think about their physical therapy, manage their schedule to include doctor's appointments, and constantly assess their pain and capability, which can be mentally exhausting.

Dependency: In some cases, golfers may need to rely on pain medication to continue playing, which can lead to concerns about dependency or the side effects of long-term medication use.

Financial Stress: The costs associated with treating golfer's elbow, such as medical bills, physical therapy, and potentially lost income if the golfer cannot play professionally or recreationally, can add financial stress.

Addressing the mental impact of golfer's elbow is as important as treating the physical symptoms.

Why Golfer's Elbow Joint Problems Aren't a Concern for Japan's Elderly Golfers

In the picturesque landscapes of Japan, there's a remarkable phenomenon on the golf courses. Senior golfers, well into their 70s, 80s, and even 90s, gracefully navigate the greens and fairways, displaying a prowess and agility that rivals their younger counterparts.

These seasoned players, with swings as fluid as those of professionals, spend hours on the course, driving, chipping, and putting with an ease that leaves many in awe. Most would assume that the repetitive motion of golf, combined with their age, should have introduced joint discomfort years ago. Yet, these Japanese senior golfers move with the suppleness and flexibility of those decades younger.

Their backs and hips rotate smoothly during swings, their shoulders and elbows maintain a fluid motion, and their wrists and fingers grip clubs with strength and precision. This begs the question: What's their secret?

Why do these senior Japanese golfers do not experience the Golfer's Elbow joint discomfort that seems to hinder so many of their peers globally?

This question goes back over 100 years when golf first started in Japan. Golf champions Rokuzo Hisatomi and Katsunosuke Inoue both played golf well into their 90s. For years golf historians never know how or why.

After 100 Years, A Recent Harvard Research Discovery Solved the question…

Research revealed that the answer comes from a tiny village in Japan called Yuzurihara.

According to the Research, these Japanese seniors were still farming their fields…

Ploughing their vegetable gardens…

And making full use of their joints long into old age.

Yet they had no Golfer's Elbow joint issues at all!

They weren’t stiff… they weren’t aching.

In fact, they were showing no signs of age‑related joint decay.

So, researchers were desperate to know why…

And that’s when researchers discovered that the villagers’ diet consisted of:

A Purple Sweet Potato Called the Satsumaimo…

A local vegetable that has been shown to boost the body’s natural production of hyaluronan that thicken up their Joint Jelly!

What is a Joint Jelly?

Elbow Joints are where bones meet, cushioned by cartilage to prevent friction. While many focus on cartilage for joint health, the real star is the joint cavity, filled with synovial fluid or "Joint Jelly." This fluid:

Lubricates & Protects: Like WD-40 for door hinges, it ensures smooth cartilage movement and provides cushioning for pain-free motion.

Nourishes: Cartilage lacks its own blood supply, so it relies on synovial fluid (Joint Jelly) for essential nutrients.

Defends: The Joint Jelly shields cartilage from harmful inflammatory proteins, safeguarding joint health.

Researchers investigating the exceptional joint health of Yuzurihara's elderly found a dietary clue: the Satsumaimo, a unique purple sweet potato. This nutrient-rich vegetable, central to the villagers' diet, is the secret behind their enduring vitality and Golfer's Elbow joint resilience.

Another interesting thing that came out of their research is that Golf champions Rokuzo Hisatomi and Katsunosuke Inoue and other Japanese golfers who played golf well into their 90s, were born and raised in or around the Yuzurihara Village region of Japan.

Beyond the physical, Golfer's Elbow joint discomfort can also shake a golfer's mental clarity and self-assurance.

For passionate golfers, joint pain can be a formidable opponent, affecting not just the physical swing but the mental game as well. Introducing Joint Genesis – the ultimate supplement designed to address the unique challenges faced by golfers. Here's how Joint Genesis can transform your game:

Eliminate Distractions:

With Joint Genesis, say goodbye to the constant nagging pain that diverts your attention from the game. Our formula is crafted to target joint discomfort, allowing you to focus solely on perfecting your swing, strategy, and shot selection.

Boost Your Confidence:

Joint Genesis works to rejuvenate your joints, restoring your faith in your physical abilities. Approach every hole with renewed vigor, knowing that your body is supported by the best in joint health.

Banish Frustration and Emotional Stress:

Golf should be a source of joy, not frustration. Joint Genesis effectively tackles joint discomfort, ensuring that every round is played with a smile, free from the emotional toll of persistent pain.

Combat Fatigue:

Mental fatigue from managing chronic pain can be a game-changer. Joint Genesis is here to change the narrative. By addressing joint discomfort at its root, stay mentally sharp from the first tee to the eighteenth green.

Overcome the Fear of Reinjury:

With the robust support of Joint Genesis, step onto the green with a diminished fear of reinjury. Trust in the strength and resilience of your joints, bolstered by our supplement's potent formula.

Maintain Your Winning Routine:

Don't let joint pain disrupt your pre-game rituals. With Joint Genesis, stick to your tried-and-true routines that set you up for success, ensuring optimal mental and physical preparation.

Say No to Avoidance:

The anticipation of pain shouldn't keep you away from the sport you love. With Joint Genesis in your corner, embrace regular play and immerse yourself in the joy of golf, pain-free.

Mike Thompson, 50 

"My swing has improved dramatically since my knees stopped aching. The increased mobility has enhanced my game, and I feel rejuvenated every time I step onto the course. Joint Genesis has truly transformed my golfing experience."

Brian Anderson, 48

"Gripping the club used to be a painful task due to the discomfort in my hands. Now, with Joint Genesis, I swing with confidence and have rediscovered the joy of golf. It's been a game-changer for me."

Gary Williams, 66

"Thanks to Joint Genesis, the pain that once held me back is gone. I can now enjoy long rounds of golf and even participate in golfing trips with my buddies without any discomfort. It's given me the confidence to fully engage in my passion for golf."

Researchers discovered that its joint-supporting power is strengthened hugely when you combine it with another rare and expensive ingredient. This is where Joint Genesis™ truly shines, and real, life-changing improvements can be felt by older golfers.

Numerous studies have consistently highlighted the remarkable effectiveness of this super-antioxidant as one of the most potent elements for alleviating inflammation, decreasing stiffness and swelling, and enhancing joint comfort, thereby boosting physical performance. This remarkable effect occurs swiftly, making it particularly valuable for golfers looking to maintain their agility and stay at the top of their game.

Which is why…

French maritime pine bark is the perfect complement to the Satsumaimo (Sweet Potato)

The synergy between these two ingredients was illuminated in a groundbreaking 2018 study featured in the esteemed medical journal Nutrients.

In this study, researchers unveiled a crucial discovery: the potent antioxidants found in French maritime pine bark are delivered directly into the synovial fluid, often likened to "Joint Jelly" among experts...

This phenomenon empowers golfers to wage a swifter battle against troublesome cytokines and achieve accelerated relief from inflammation...

In essence, you can anticipate prolonged and more substantial relief from discomfort!

And it's essential to note that this blend of ingredients is entirely one-of-a-kind, setting it apart as a distinctive and exclusive solution for golfers and their joint health needs.

This is precisely why Joint Genesis™ has been delivering extraordinary outcomes for our golfing clientele.

What sets us apart is the unprecedented innovation behind our product!

To perfect the formula and expedite results, I've also incorporated three additional potent ingredients.

Every single one has been scientifically demonstrated to effectively alleviate inflammation…

To perfect the formula and expedite results, I've also incorporated three additional potent ingredients.

Every single one has been scientifically demonstrated to effectively alleviate inflammation…

Ginger Root


Similar to French maritime pine bark®, ginger packs a powerful antioxidant punch. Decades of research affirm its effectiveness in supporting a healthy inflammatory response within joint tissues.

A study featured in the Journal of Medicinal Food demonstrated that a ginger extract effectively reduced knee pain in individuals dealing with age-related joint concerns.

By doing so, ginger complements Joint Genesis™, enhancing its effectiveness and contributing to increased joint comfort, flexibility, and mobility – vital benefits for golfers looking to stay at the top of their game.

Boswellia Serrata

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Adding to the potent effects of Mobilee® and French maritime pine bark is Boswellia Serrata, a tree native to India.

Extracted from the gum resin of the Boswellia tree's bark, this ingredient has been extensively researched, with numerous studies confirming its ability to promote a healthy inflammatory response in joint tissues. This support is particularly beneficial for golfers seeking enhanced joint comfort and function.

In addition, a study published in the medical journal Phytomedicine delved into the impact of combining French maritime pine bark and Boswellia Serrata on individuals grappling with age-related joint discomfort. The findings were impressive, indicating that this combination significantly improved joint pain, stiffness, and physical function. This means golfers can expect notable relief and improved mobility for a more enjoyable time on the greens.



To complete the comprehensive formula, Joint Genesis™ incorporates BioPerine®, a cutting-edge patented extract derived from black pepper fruits. Beyond its role in promoting a healthy inflammatory response, BioPerine® plays a vital role in boosting the absorption of the other ingredients. This heightened absorption maximizes the overall effectiveness of the formula, ensuring golfers get the most out of their joint health support for an improved golfing experience.

Please note that the information we provide is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. We encourage you to inform your physician of changes you make to your lifestyle and discuss these with him or her. For questions or concerns about any medical conditions you may have, please contact your doctor. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products. The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or the product sold here. The website is a participant in the ClickBank Associates Program, which provides webmasters with a way to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to the website. FTC Disclosure: We were not paid any fee to promote this product, but we may receive commissions from products taken from the link on the site.

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